1,3,5--trimethyl benzene
English Name
1,3,5--trimethyl benzene; mesitylene
Molecular Formula
Physical & Chemical Property
Achromatic and transparent liquid, indissoluble in water but dissoluble in ethanol, ether,benzene and acetone. Its parameters are as follows,such as melting point (-45℃ for type α and-51℃for type β), boiling point(164.7℃),relative density((d420)0.864),refractive index ((nD21)1.4994),flash point for closed entry (44℃), and self-ignition point (550℃).
Quality Index
Execution Standard:Q/SH004.1.10-90 Production Standard
Index Test Approach
Purity(m/m%) ≥92 ≥98 GB/T2013-80(88)
Metamesitylene(m/m%) ≤3.0 ≤2.0
Density(d420) Actual Measurement Actual Measurement
The matter is a fundamental raw material for organic chemicals that is mainly used for manufacturing of benzene tricarboxylic acid,antioxidant,epoxy hardener,polyester resin stabilizer,alkyd plasticizer, as well as 2,4,6--tritoluidine that is used to manufacture dyestuff,such as K-3R.
Method for Making
By dint of fractionization,metamesitylene is made of heavy aromatics and it will be isomerized and rectified. And then mesitylene can be separated from the above-processed oil.
Toxicity and Protection
It has relatively high toxicity that can rival that of xylene and may irritate nose and throat. In air, its maximum allowable saturation is 125mg/m3. So its operating site should be well ventilated and operators should wear safety appliances.
Package, Storage and Transportation
Fireproofing and unsunned storage; Don not store together with oxidizer. Packaging protection is required to avoid damage while transporting. If using the iron bucket for packing, it should be sealed compactly with wall thickness ≥1.2mm and unit weight should not exceed 200kg. If using the plastic bucket or glass container for packaging, it should be sealed compactly and then be encased in wooden case in which there are nonflammable materials as liners. Finally,the integrate wooden case is required to be strapped with iron wire or iron sheet and unit weight should not exceed 50kg. Also, it can be transported in qualified oil tank or tanker which is required to be marked with Combustible.